this very November 2003:
Bob the Angry Flower:
The Ultimate Book of Perfect Energy!
Well, I like that title, so I'm using it. That title suggestion came
late in the day from Owen Magee, so he wins First Prize,
which is all three books plus the fourth one when it comes out this November,
plus maybe something else, if I can imagine it. Congrats, Owen. I think
this will be a kick-ass book.
Second Prize goes to Ben Brockert, who sent in "Bob
the Angry Flower: The Ultimate Book of Perfect Angry", which didn't
quite do it, but it's so close, I gotta give him credit.
Third place goes to Mike Barthel, who submitted "Bob
the Angry Flower: Songs About Monkeys." It's catchy, and I liked the
sound of it, but eventually I decided monkeys are just too played out in
cartoons these days, what with the Powerpuff Girls Movie and Frank Cho
and James Kochalka's Monkey and Robot. Still, good suggestion, and I seriously
considered it for a while.
And while I'm feeling generous, here's a clutch of Honorable Mentions:
"Bob the Angry Flower IV: The Voyage Home," from Ben Cordes.
I don't know, it just made me chuckle.
"Why Not Bob the Angry Flower?", from The T. This is the slogan
from my stickers, and I gave this one some consideration before tossing
it aside like dirt.
"Bob the Angry Flower 4: Buy Books", from Jeremy Williams, also
had a certain appeal, since I certainly want people to buy books.
That's it for the prizes, but this page is only beginning. Below are
listed, in no tremendous order, all the suggestions I received. Marvel
at the retarded ones, chuckle at the good ones, fume that your suggestion
wasn't picked, and then get out.
Book 4 Fan Title Suggestions
Bob the Angry Flower: Shackin' up with the Commies!
Bob the Angry Flower: In Touch With His Inner Child
Bob the Angry Flower: OMGSOFUNNAYROFL!!!
Bob the Angry Flower IV: The Reckoning
Bob the Angry Flower: Shares His True Feelings
Bob the Angry Flower: For Prime Minister!
Bob the Angry Flower: President of the Dick Cheney Fan Klub
Bob the Angry Flower: Caring Means Sharing
Bob the Angry Flower: Buy this Book, you morons!
Bob the Angry Flower: Shameless Merchandising
Bob the Angry Flower: More Comics About Robots And Food
Bob the Angry Flower: What Color Is Your Anvil?
Bob the Angry Flower: What the Fuck Happened to my Free Will
Bob the Angry Flower: I Don't Give a Crap About Your Political Beliefs!
Bob the Angry Flower: Incontinent Ballistic Missiles
Bob the Angry Flower: Still Angry. Thanks for asking.
Bob the Angry Flower: Original Axis of Evil
Bob the Angry Flower: Anti-Hero for Hire
Bob the Angry Flower: 4! (picture of Bob golfing with Earth as his
Bob the Angry Flower: Stamen Alive
Bob the Angry Flower: Pistils Blazing
Bob the Angry Flower: The Celebration of mediocrity
Bob the Angry Flower Hates You
Bob the Angry Flower goes nuclear!
Bob the Angry Flower Goes to Washington
Bob the Angry Flower Hijacks Your Brain
Bob the Angry Flower Gets a Permanent
Bob the Angry Flower Brand Beatings!
Bob the Angry Flower has'em and is not afraid to use'em.
Bob the Angry Flower meditates on Heideger's methaphysics
Bob the Angry Flower now hosts computer wars
Bob the Angry Flower Loves You All
BTAF IV: The Voyage Home
BTAF: Bigger Than Ever
BTAF: This Time It's Personal
BTAF: Craps On America!
BTAF: Proving a Flower is Smarter than a Bush
BTAF: Teaching work through joy
BTAF: My struggle with anorexia
BTAF: Song Monkey
BTAF: Slap-Happy
BTAF: Possible Beer and Penrose Tiles
BATF: For Your Own Good
BTAF: black
BTAF: Faceless Minion
BTAF Doesn't Care
BTAF And The Impending Doom
BTAF Sells Out
Bob The Angry Flower's War Against War
Why Not Bob the Angry Flower?
Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Bob The Angry Flower
Aw, Fuck It!Bob the Angry Flower Does Some Violent Stuff
Yet Another Bob The Angry Flower Book, Dammit
The Universe according to Bob The Angry Flower
Life according to Bob The Angry Flower
The Golden Age of Bob The Angry Flower
What Would Bob The Angry Flower Do?
The Return Of The Revenge Of Bob The Angry Flower
Iron Chef Angry Flower
Bob The Angry BLOGGER
Flowers of Evil, Leaves of Grass
The Golden New Age of Personal Nuclear Weaponr
Cruising in the Bobmobile
What Would Bob Do?
Songs About Monkeys
Who the Fuck is Bob the Angry Flower?
Everything I Ever Needed to know, I Learned from 'Re-Animator'
Terrifying Robotic Monsters for Dummies
Altering Space-Time for Fun and Profit
Canada Wins the Gold!
Microneers vs. Cancernauts!
Disputed Territories
Kofibot Goes Beserk!
The Smoking Gun
Macalester College Joins the UN
Robot Songs in C Minor
Monkey Cosmonauts
For Great Justice (a btaf book)
Despite Our Best Efforts, it's BTAF
Live In The Now! (a btaf book)
My Dinner With Kofi
Mirror Universe
Bob the Angry Flower:
Casual Blasphemy and Serious Subjects
The Tao of Whimsy
Diaries of a Bilious Blossom
Madman's Musings In Incredible Irony
All they care about is data!
It's hard to be Hitler
Admirable Restraint
Science ATTACKS!
What A Riot
The right to bear arms
Ultimate Book of Perfect Angry!!!
"Crazy killer robots ate my brain" and other love stories
Science Triumphs Again
So Many Stupid People, So Little Time
Too Cool For a Title
US Vice President Dick Cheney in: Here Comes The Apocolypse! Also
starring BTAF
The Art of War, Revisited
Give War a Chance
Will Hieronymus Merkin ever forget Mercy Humppe and find true happiness?
Julius Caesar and a bag of chips
Vs Everyone
Isn't Norway a funny shape?
You can't be angry all the time
Iraq Attacks
Isn't Norway a funny shape?
Bears and robots and flowers, oh my!
The Illustrated Bible for Children
Grand Theft America
Existential Angst and You
How to Mortgage Your Soul
Xanadu's Revenge
Big Book of Cretinology
In Search of Entropic Harmony
Won't somebody think of the children?
When the UN Attacks!
Our last, best hope for Peace
Bam! Science triumphs again!
Reflections on a Lifetime of Achievement
Finally, Quantum Mechanics and Relativity
Citizen Bob
Hack; Thy Name is Stephen Notley
Attack on BTAF: CNN's ongoing coverage
Robo-Holics Annan-omous
Bob The Angry Flower 4: Buy Books
The Tao of Bob the Angry Flower
LATE NIGHT with Bob the Angry Flower
Burning Bush
New World Order.
No World Order.
Mr. Flower Goes To Washington
Medal to the Petal
Petal to the Metal
Cheney vs Bobzilla
This is a great idea!
An as yet untitled book about . . .
So Much Cooler Than Jesus
Everyone out of the gene pool!!
Bob, new formula with 50% more anger guaranteed!
Bob behaving badly
Bob on Bob
Stumpy on Bob
CUNT - the Bob the Angry Flower Story
I am become Bob, destroyer of worlds
"A" is for Angry
Now With More Vitamin C!
Let's Try This Again
Robots On My Mind
Don't Ever Call Here Again!
...On A Mission
Wall of Science
Technology Saves Time
Forever Finite
Chalk It Up to Creativity, Boys
Rewriting History
Book 4
...and Other Tales of the Future
No Batteries Required
Playing Blackjack for Humanity
Rollergames Follies
Asterisk Period Asterisk
Gobble a Worthy Fern
Relentlessly Dissecting Subjectivity
Still Relentlessly Dissecting Subjectivity