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I admit it -- I am pumped for this trip. I grew up a Spider-Man-readin' kid, and New York's always been the quintessential city to me. On the other hand, I gotta get up at 5 in the morning to get to my plane, so I gotta get to sleep, so not so much yammering this update. But I'll go on and on about it once I get back! Okay, the strip: MoCCA
Art Fest
And while we're at it, buy some books! C'mon!
June 13 -- Back from Pittsburgh, Off to New York Cit-tay! First, let's get this week's oh-so-relevant cartoon out of the way... Pittsburgh
In Pittsuburgh's favor, there were plenty of cute chicks. Real, milk fed girls who haven't succumbed to the tan-n-starve Hollywood crapola. And, of course, the people are friendly as hell. On the super plus side, I was delighted that the signing at fabulous Phantom of the Attic turned out the way it did. Considering this is a store that had never carried any of my books, in a town where my cartoon doesn't run in any newspaper, there was a pleasing little crowd of people who showed up to get their books signed. Thanks you guys -- you rule! A special callout goes to Jeff Yandora, proprietor of Phantom of the Attic, insanely nice, and who took me and Jen Sorenson of Slowpoke out for lunch after. Yeah! Fucking YEAH! As for whether the actual trip will turn out ot be worth anything like the couple of grand I ultimately spent on it remains to be seen. I got a couple of good nibbles from some papers -- Steve Palopoli at the Metro Santa Cruz seemed into it, and there are some lesser leads.... Who knows? And of course, there were good times with Ted Rall and Ruben Bolling and Andy Singer, and I got to see the Warhol Museum, though I didn't eat any of those crazy sandwiches where they put the fries and coleslaw inside the sandwich itself. But enough about Pittsburgh... what about New York?
I'll be sharing a table with the inestimable Keith Knight of The K Chronicles, and we intend to rock out as the low-life cartoonist cockroaches we are. Except Keith's married now, so maybe it won't be as partyful as all that. But good times are assured for all New York fans who make it out next Sunday, June 22, at the Puck Building. I hope that the Apostrophe Poster will make its debut there; I got and approved the proof from the printer, so I hope to deploy dozens and dozens into the hands of desirous New Yorkers. Then, once the magical invisible hand of the market has told me how much I can get away with charging for them, I'm gonna sell 'em online. Oh yeah, baby. Oh, and don't forget to set your angryflower.com update expectations next week to Wednesday rather than Friday, on account of me not being around on Friday, cuz I'll be in New York City! AWESOME! Other things
Links dump
Please Buy Books!
On a related note, I heard back from Diamond Comics Distributors, and
it appears that I will in fact be able to get the UBOPE listed in
Previewsk, which means it should be possible to get it into actual comic
stores. What does this mean for you, gentle reader? Nothing for now, but
when that issue of Previews comes out in September, you folks gotta go
to your local comic store and bug them to order some books. Don't get too
worked up about it right now; I'll remind you when it comes time.
June 4 -- Off to Pittsburgh! As promised, an early update this week before I crash to sleep for a few hours before getting on an 8:15am plane to attend the ever-wild Association of Alternative Newsweeklies convention... First, a cartoon. I didn't think I was gonna do any more LoveBot strips for a while, but I didn't have any other ideas this week, so here's Pittsburgh times...
By "possible guests" I mean I talked to Ted Rall, who said he might show, and he vaguely hinted we might be able to drag Tom the Dancing Bug's Ruben Bolling along, and maybe Jen Sorenson from Slowpoke. Who knows?. We'll see. At any rate, to all Pittsburgh Bob fans: show show show, and help me convince Jeff the owner that he needs to order books from me. Speaking of books...
Apostrophe Poster
What else?
Random links
May 30 -- The Battle Goes Ever On... And I've got my own trip to the lungs planned. That's what they call Pittsburgh, right? "The Lungs of America?" Didn't I read that somewhere? Anyway, I'll be departing next Wednesday to the dreaded Association of Alternative Newsweeklies convention, there to try to convince recalcitrant editors that they should not only buy a comic they've never heard of when they could get one of the big ones like Ted Rall or Tom the Dancing Bug, but that they should get one like mine which is horizontally-oriented and thus represents the most difficult Tetris layout challenge imaginable. Yeah! I'm gonna be there for a while, until Monday, so if any of you Pittsburgh readers out there have any suggestions for anything worth doing, or hot tips on comic stores I might hit maybe on Saturday, you should e-mail me instantly. As a result, please reset your angryflower.com update expectations to Wednesday for next week. Thank you. Reviews?
Links and Dump
And man, I so want to get these Apostrophe posters cranking out... if I can get them to the printer before I take off for Pittsburgh, that would be the most elegant proof of God I could ever conceive. Going Soon...
May 23 -- Crazy Springtime Madness This week is all about a quick, efficient German-style update presenting the basic facts and then splitting in order to take advantage of some huge sunlight we've been rarely afforded here in Edmonton. So, the cartoon: Rest assured, even though I have "Just Leave Me Alone, Okay" in big differently-colored eye-catching letters on my web site, that's not how I feel about all you fine readers. If anything, I feel the opposite. Indeed, I was gratified at the relative flood of encouraging e-mail that came in on the whole make-a-nice-color-poster-of-the-Apostophe-cartoon idea, so I'm desperately trying to spend money and make it happen so that you people can turn around and spend your money, leading somehow at the end of the day to me ending up with more money than I started with! Capitalism totally RULEZ!!! In other news, I saw and reviewed the new Jim Carrey travesty Bruce Almighty. And that's about it. Curiously, nobody sent in anything to be dumped in the link dump (or at least nobody sent in any link that worked). I've been spending too much time outside to know if there's anything good to point you towards, though I must admit I'm rather choked that for some reason I'm not able to play an apparently excellent clip from Jon Stewart's The Daily Show of Bush vs Bush, with Governor n' Pres dukin' it out and leaving in their wake enormous putrifying slabs of deceit and misrepresentation lying in the sun like mad cow corpses. And I suppose I could gently urge anyone out there who hasn't already
to buy some books. I could, and I will. Please, dear citizens, buy
some books.
May 16 - Uppity Machines Welcome, everybody. Got a wad of stuff to throw at you, some of which I should have put up on Tuesday or Wednesday, but once again I succumbed to laziness and didn't. Dammit. First, of course, the cartoon: Then, of course, the movie review: And why not, might as well throw in a link to a page about the Philosophy of The Matrix, including the essay "What's So Bad About Living In the Matrix?" I spent some stupidly up-until-4-am time Tuesday night reading a pile of this crap, along with getting sucked into some ferocious criticism of this final season of Buffy at TelevisionWithoutPity.Com. And, as it turns out, I got another movie review as well, Down With Love, a trivial bit of Ewan MacGregor/Renee Zellweger fluff that dares to open against the Matrix juggernaut. And then there's this crazy image from the distant past... There it was, in the pages of the The Solstice, the Gateway summer fill-in paper at the good old University of Alberta (Warren Ferguson and Steven Yi, editors), 11 years ago last Monday, that the very first Bob cartoon appeared trembling and newborn in print just as you see it here. God... 11 years... How is it that I only have three books out by now? Oh right... I barely did anything for the first three or four of those Bob-drawing years. Speaking of doing things, I got around to ordering some stickers,
so of course I'm going to start madly and personally stuffing stickers
into every envelope of books purchased from me
over the Internet. Huh? Sound good? And, I'm thinking of making up
some10" x 20" color Bob's Quick Guide to the Apostrophe
posters. Great for the workspace, not to mention every classroom in North
America! Any of you cats interested in that kinda thing? Let
me know.
May 9 -- Reviews?
Links to Dump
And I guess I should throw something in here about buying
May 2 - Everything begins now Man, I gotta do something about only updating once a week... clearly it's killing my chances of Angryflower.com exploding outward and upward to that fabled "next level". But in the meantime, let's pretend that updating only on Friday is the greatest thing in the world! Yeah! Rockin'! This week's all-too-personal strip, something of a follow-up to If You Love Someone...: They sure printed this particular cartoon small and crappy in See Magazine this week. If you have spare time, and especially if you live in Edmonton, you could bitch to them about it, if you liked. Reviews and such
Links to Dump
And Lest We Forget...
And what the hell, I might as well throw the current mockup of the UBOPE
up here, get some reactions...
April 25 -- X-Men 2 Day... Or it is for me, at any rate. Yes, I'm sitting here 2:30 in the morning, drunk on Caesars, trying to get this update into the ground so I can go to bed and make it to the theatre tomorrow morning for the preposterously secure screening of this new X-Men movie. So, let's kick off this update with the new cartoon, which itself kicks off a run of powerful and emotionally intimate strips I've been lucky enough to pull out of the aether. No, really. This week, face the awesome power of the Reviews
No, wait, I tell a lie, there is another review, but it's for a comic, Chewing On Tinfoil. Quite a good comic, actually, and the review is posted on ComicReaders.com, along with that old Bulletproof Monk review... Links whut got sent me...
And see, I'm even too tired to beg you all to buy books right now, goddammit. And that's all I got!
April 18 -- What a beautiful day! *mini-updated Sat April 19* Or at least it is today, Thursday, as I write this update. We had slushy soul-killing snow on Monday, and now the sun is out, hot girls are everywhere, and as I type this, the Oilers are getting crushed in Game 5 of their series with Dallas. Here's this week's cartoon: Reviews n' stuff
What else?
Attitude 2
And while we're at it...
Oh, and by the way...
Meanwhile, if you're watching CNN, everything's going great, with a few minor wrinkles. I was watching CNN a second ago, and they had a story about how wild rumors are afoot in Iraq. Somehow these people have gotten the idea the Americans only care about oil! Crazy! According to the story, these people have been addled by Saddam's propaganda; otherwise how could they believe such wild nonsense? Seeing the Americans protect the Oil Ministry and the Interior Ministry while leaving the rest of the city to burn couldn't have anything to do with it, of course... Did the US intentionally allow the museum to be sacked? Who knows? I sure as hell don't. But in fact, it's even scarier if it didn't happen intentionaly, if it happened because the Americans were just too dumb and clueless to prevent it. It's unbelievable how shocked and stunned and caught flat-footed Americans were by the notion that they would be responsible for upholding order once they knocked over Saddam. They didn't have a massive corps of military police and civil engineers ready to jump in and start repairing the damage. There's no sign they thought to bring in additional medics that they could have deployed to the various hospitals (cuz I'm pretty sure they would have trumpeted the hell out of it if they had). And, centrally, it never seemed to occur to them that all of their soldiers are now going to have to become the police in a world where they don't speak the language, there's no legal authority, and people are still shooting at them. The military says that's not their job, but in this most foully political war, that is precisely their job, unsuited as they are to perform it. They've placed themselves in a trap where very quickly the Iraqis are going to start getting angry at them and they're going to start getting angry right back. Imagine how Iraqis are going to feel about US soliders manning everybody's favorite fact of life, the checkpoint. Soon resentment sets in: "We came here to free them, and they're spitting on us! Fuck these people!" Hell, it would be a tough situation for anybody, requiring an unusual amount of patience, grace and humility. Are those the words that pop into anyone's mind when they think "American grunt"? I know that many of them are strong, good, brave men, heroes all, sure, whatever, but let's not kid ourselves; lots of these guys are aggressive, angry assholes, too. They start shooting at protestors (already happening), protestors start shooting back... it's not going to be increasing the peace. The smart thing would to let the UN back in, get some peacekeepers in there, mabye find some guys who speak Arabic. That would be start, a nudge towards legitimacy. If BushCo refuses to do the smart thing --and let's face it, their record stinks-- and insists on full-bore occupying Iraq, I don't see any way out of the inevitable escalation of resentment and violence. On the other hand, who knows what the hell's going to happen? |